Renting of bikes and accessories

Girolibero bikes

Ready to go

Our bikes

The main ingredient for a cycling holiday? The bike! But it has to be comfortable, reliable, smooth-riding, and suitable for the route and the rider.

For more than twenty years, we have been testing frames, gears, saddles, components and accessories, and we have assembled the perfect bike for cycle touring. We then painted it orange, in honor of the Netherlands, the great home of bike paths and and bike culture.

From April to October, we take our bikes all over Europe, from France to Southern Italy. And where we don’t arrive with our own bikes, you’ll get those of local renters selected for you.

Overhauling and service

Girolibero mechanics overhaul the bikes after each rental so that they are always in order and ready for a fresh start. The mechanics work from our headquarters or from logistics bases in Europe. Read more.

Discover more

Virtual Tour

Find out where our mechanics work and count how many orange bikes there are.

Take a virtual tour of the Girolibero workshop

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